技术力量 Technology
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发布时间:2024-08-09 21:00 来源: 点击:4426
    研究生    工学博士
2016.07-Present  江西师范大学/讲师
Jiangxi Normal University/Assistant Professor
2015.08-2016.02  英国纽卡斯尔大学/访问研究员
Newcastle University (UK) /Visiting Researcher
2010.06-2012.07  武汉生物工程学院/助教
Wuhan Institute of Bioengineering
研究兴趣/Research Interests
1. 城市热辐射与景观策略
Landscape Strategies for Urban Thermal Radiation
2. 景观植物智能选择与优化方法
Intelligent Selection and Optimization for Landscape Plants
3. 决策支持系统设计与开发
Design and Development of Decision-making Support Systems based on GIS&MATLAB
4. 数字技术与景观规划方法
Landscape Planning Methods based on Digital Technology
5. 地理设计
6. 智慧城市
Smart City
英文期刊 (International Journal)
1. Heyi Wei, Zhengdong Huang. From experience-oriented to quantity-based: A method for landscape plant selection and configuration in urban built-up areas. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 2015(7): 698-719. (SCI&EI)
中文期刊 (Chinese Journal)
1. 魏合义,黄正东,杨和平. 基于数字技术视角的景观规划和景观设计比较研究. 武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版).(待刊出).
Wei Heyi, Huang Zhengdong, Yang Heping. Comparative Study between the Landscape Planning and Landscape Design from the Perspective of Digital Technology. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Social Science Edition). (In Chinese)
2. 魏合义, 黄正东, 杨和平. 基GIS 光照因子分析的园林植物选择和配置. 风景园林, 2015(6): 60-67.
Wei Heyi, Huang Zhengdong, Yang Heping. Landscape plant selection and configuration based on light factor analysis using GIS. Journal of landscape architecture, 2015(6): 60-67.(In Chinese)
3. 魏合义, 黄正东. 地理设计视角下的景观规划设计理论、需求及技术实现. 风景园林, 2014(4): 53-57.
Wei Heyi, Huang Zhengdong. Theory, requirements and technology realization for landscape planning and design and the perspective of geodesign. Journal of landscape architecture, 2014(4): 53-57. (In Chinese)
4. 魏合义, 黄正东. 从ASLA 年会议题看美国LA 研究的发展趋势. 中国园林, 2014(3): 91-95.
Wei Heyi, Huang Zhengdong. A discussion on the landscape architecture research trends in the USA based on the analysis of the ASLA annual meeting topics. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2014(3): 91-95. (In Chinese)
5. 魏合义. 生态承载力研究类型及概述. 武汉生物工程学院学报, 2012(02): 148-156.
Wei Heyi. Ecological carrying capacity: A review. Journal of Wuhan Bioengineering Institute, 2012(02): 148-156. (In Chinese)
6. 魏合义. 浅析LA的内涵和翻译及风景园林学科建设. 武汉生物工程学院学报, 2011(04): 238-241.
Wei Heyi. Analysis on connotation, translation, and discipline construction of landscape architecture. Journal of Wuhan Bioengineering Institute, 2011(04): 238-241. (In Chinese)
基金项目/Funds and Projects
国家自科基金/ NSFC
1. 基于GIS和RS通风潜力分析的城市风道规划支持方法研究/参与
2. 基于规划数据的城市用地洪涝灾害风险研究/参与
3. 大城市公交站点布局评价与层级优化/参与
国际公益项目/EU Public Project
欧盟7th框架玛丽.居里PUMAH (Planning, Urban Management and Heritage) 项目/参与
